Friday, November 21, 2014

Guide to AJAX crawling for webmasters and developers

After reading some of this guide, looks like my work is not done yet...

You've built a site with AJAX-- its dynamic, snazzy, and great -- but?  Google isn't indexing it!

Ensure you use google webmaster tools and try a Fetch as Google (with rendering) to ensure you see the page the way a Googlebot would -- and you like what you see....

Pinnacle Landscape & Design

Pinnacle Landscape & Design ( is starting to really show some nice work on their website , facebook, and flickr pages.   I had the opportunity to help Keith out with his page, and update the way his pictures were being brought in through flickr.  I got to play around with flickr api and jquery/lightbox, ensure that each of the images descriptions came through as alt tags -- and I really like how nice it works in mobile/tablet devices.  I'll probably update my own page to go this route instead of the way I did it last.
Pinnacle Landscape and Design logo

Hoping that someday I can hire Keith to do some nice work on my own home!

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Windows 7 - hide a user account from login

The user you want to disable from seeing on windows 7 login, is "Username".

Copy and paste the below registry snippet into notepad or your favorite text editor, change "Username" to be whatever user account you want to not see on windows login screen, save it as a file with .reg extension type. (ie disablelogin.reg).  After saving, just double-click to import the setting and you are done.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList]